Our construction weekend

In order to participate in the Osiris Epiphany Night event at Schloss Kaltenberg with a well functioning portal matching the description of our application, we all met to build on it for a whole weekend. This is not quite easy for our team as the team contains mostly RES GER agents which means - we come from all different corners of Germany, and 1 from Belgium. The arrival was informal. Throughout Friday almost everyone arrived.
But first things first - the grill was assembled. No decent food, no work.
Then we went shopping. Wood was pre-ordered, we just had to pick up everything. After filling up our car with building materials, we went on getting drinks and the like.
Back to our construction zone. Two more agents were already waiting, ready to start.  
This day was more or less dedicated to planning. And to prep work like sorting out the zillions of
LEDs and starting to connect them. And program them.
And to grilling, of course. No food no fun.
Saturday the first power tools came into action. Woodwork. The smell of sawed wood. All over.
Two more agents came - one with an essential part of our construction - a giant screen to be
used as the holo projector.
And first - of course - we had to test. Beautiful portal pictures (and not so beautiful, in case
they were green) were being projected onto plexiglass.
More woodwork, slowly one could see there’s a compass emerging from all the wood.
The end of the day was dedicated to burning even more coal on the grill (gotta do this now - we are not allowed open fire in Kaltenberg), plus meat, rolls.
The evening was spent programming, more construction work and chasing down a green BAF.
All a smurf could wish for…
Sunday. Already.
This day went on with less noise. Some bits of sawdust everywhere, but main occupation this
time - swag, T-shirts, all the ordering finalized.
This was one productive weekend…
Kaltenberg, here we come!!!

See more photos on our socialmedia profiles:

G+: https://plus.google.com/+XMPortalCompassProject 
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/xmportalcompass 
Telegram: https://t.me/xmportalcompass